Youth Group Visits “Romeros” Community

Our youth group recently visited an area just outside the city of Tulancingo known as “Romeros”.  They did games with the children of the community, shared the Gospel with them and fed them lunch.  Over 150 children were there for the event.  It was a great experience for our young people, the children of the community and their parents.  Here are some pictures.

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Advanced School of Ministry Meetings

During the last week of January, we were in Cuernavaca for the Advanced School of Ministry leadership training seminar.  Around 1,000 pastors and leaders were present this year to receive four days of training.  Both Sara and I had the opportunity to share during the general sessions.  I also interpreted for Dr. Tim Hamon during his sessions.

Sara sharing at the conference, January, 2013
Sara sharing at the conference, January, 2013
David interpreting for Dr. Tim Hamon.
David interpreting for Dr. Tim Hamon.

Church Christmas Dinner

Girls Choreography
Girls doing a choreography presentation at our Christmas dinner, Dec. 21, 2012.

On December 21, we had a Christmas dinner with our church. This year, we were able to borrow a party hall for the event. We moved the entire church platform, sound system and instruments to the location of the dinner, about 10 minutes from our church.

The dinner was organized kind of like a pot-luck. Every table had a representative who was in charge of decoration a coordinating who would bring which dishes. That way everyone was able to participate, doing their own small part. Several families did a fantastic job decorating their tables. Over 300 people were present for the dinner.

We had a time of worship and singing of both Christmas songs and worship songs. After the time of worship, our girl’s choreography group presented a special number. They did a beautiful job!

Fall Leadership Group Studies

During the Fall months, we have been having a weekly Bible study with our core leadership group each Tuesday night.  Our goal has been to seek the Lord, to establish Biblical leadership values in the hearts of our leaders, and to study the Scriptures which relate to church government.

Each week, we have had a meeting in our cabin to pray, read our study material and enjoy an informal dinner together.  It has been a time of growth in both relationships among our leadership members and in the Word of God.

During our time together, we have discovered many Biblical principles which we have then applied in our Sunday services and in the life of the church in general.  Our study of the area of church membership was especially edifying, both for us, as leadership, and for the church.  Many of the points that the Holy Spirit emphasized to us were later shared in messages to the congregation during Sunday morning services.

Besides these studies in our cabin on Tuesdays, we have also spent time weekly with all of our cell group leaders each Monday night.  During these meetings, we pray for each leader and I often share a teaching that has something to do with leadership or Christian doctrine in general.

Pastor Oscar, from the town of Cerro Colorado, and his wife have attended many of these leadership meetings with us, and it has definitely been a time of growth and spiritual edification.

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