Ministry in Tlapanaloya

On August 2 Sara and I had the opportunity to minister in a small church in Tlapanaloya, in the State of Mexico. This village is located about 1 1/2 hours from Tulancingo. It is a small community, but Pastor Hilario and his wife have a heart to reach their people.

Sara and I shared together on the 10 leppers that Jesus healed. After the service we had a dinner comprised of cow head, tortillas and hot sauce.

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Youth Outing – June, 2014

Some of our youth enjoyed an outing together with our youth leaders, Adriana and Fernando. Beside eating good food and playing together, the youth also spent a little while in worship and the study of the Word of God.

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David and Gerry Christian, May, 2014

We were very blessed to have David and Gerry Christian in our church to minister for the weekend of May 16-May 19. On Friday, they ministered to our volunteers. On Saturday morning, Gerry ministered to the ladies in a breakfast meeting. Saturday evening we hosted a married couple’s coffee, and they ministered to our church on Sunday morning. They were a great blessing! On Monday evening Pastor David did a couple of classes for our Bible School. He taught great material on the topic of spiritual warfare and the battle for the mind.

Thanks so much for coming, David and Gerry! We greatly appreciate your lives and ministry!

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