You may know that we have been working on putting together an online Bible School program. This program is designed to allow students in any location to study Bible classes in an online group setting. The program includes video presentations, written notes, quizzes, forums, and other tools to help the students learn the material.
After doing several test runs with our local congregation, we have now officially opened the classes on a broader level. We currently have about 60 students, most of whom are from Mexico, with a few hispanics living in the U.S. Several of our students are pastors, worship leaders and youth leaders. I am teaching “Old Testament Survey” online with the help of several “facilitators” who help grade student work.
We hope to continue expanding the program and reach out to more students, perhaps someday throughout Latin America or even beyond, with a broad range of Bible courses. We pray that these courses will equip our students to do the work of the ministry.