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Dear friends, supporters, and family,
Happy Thanksgiving! There are so many things to be thankful for. It’s good for us to remember our many blessings, and I believe we must start with the most import of all – Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! We give thanks because we are children of the Most High and can rejoice in our eternal inheritance.
We are also very thankful for you! Each of our supporters, friends and family are very important to us. We want you to know that we thank God for you; for your love and communication with us; for your prayers on our behalf; for your support of our work and ministry. Thank you so much! We thank you for believing in us and in what we do.
I also must say that we are thankful for the local church we pastor here in Tulancingo, for the great pastors and leaders we regularly minister with, for the team of the Advanced School of Ministry, and for our group of course facilitators and other workers who dedicate time each week to our online Bible School.
We are thankful for the fellowship we can have with great men and women of God who have been an inspiration for our lives. We are thankful for people like Bill and Gerda Brown, who have been such and encouragement to us, as well as many great leaders and teachers who have inspired us. We are thankful for the times we’ve had together with the people of our local church, at times, having a meal together, working, praying, practicing, or simply talking with each other.
We are thankful for our family, for our three children, and for the ways in which God is leading each one of the them to fulfill their God-given destiny. We’re thankful for their home school – Lighthouse Christian Academy, and the wonderful positive and Godly influence the curriculum and staff have had on their lives, as they have grown up. What a blessing it has been to give our children a Christian education, even within our own home. We’re grateful that David and Daniel, who are now on their own, studying in the U.S., continue to serve and honor the Lord, as they prepare for their future. We’re thankful for Anna, who remains at home in high school, and is very active in ministry. We’re excited about their future, for what God has in store for them!
We also give thanks for our extended family. I’m thankful for my parents, who gave me solid, biblical values, and set me off in the right direction as I grew up. I’m grateful for my brother and sister (who I don’t get to see very often), and for Sara’s family, for the nieces and nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles.
Finally, I wish to express how thankful I am for my wife, Sara. She is such a blessing to me, and such an asset in ministry. I am thankful for these past twenty-six and a half years of marriage, for the patience she’s shown toward me, for believing in and supporting our ministry projects, for her relentless love and dedication to the Lord and to her family. The Bible says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD” (Proverbs 18:22). I am thankful for Sara; she is such a wonderful wife and a fantastic mother.
How about you? What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Day?
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalms 69:30
Have a blessed day! We appreciate your love, prayers and support.
In His love,
David and Sara Lont
and Family